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compass career fairs
compass career fairs
compass career fairs

Looking for a quality job? WE’VE GOT YOU CONNECTED! 

See Current Job Postings from Local Employers

Compass Career Fairs

Job Seekers

If you are seeking employment this is your chance to speak with top local employers who are waiting for an opportunity to connect with YOU. Whether you are actively or passively seeking a career opportunity, Compass Career Fair events are geared to connect a talented workforce to a valued career opportunity.


When attending our career fairs you can expect to find:

  • Local job opportunities with a wide variety of top employers.

  • Pre-event tips and advice, including lists of attending employers to better prepare for your day (available for those who register to attend in advance)

  • Post job fair followup email with attending employers direct contact information and available job opportunities

  • A Premier event locations with exceptional parking and easy access

  • Public Transportation / Bus stops are located near event locations

  • Wheelchair and Handicap accessible

  • Prize giveaways

  • Social Media posts (via Facebook) with additional tips and advice for continued employment success

  • MOST IMPORTANTLY, quality employment networking


This is opportunity knocking!

Secret to Success:

  • Attendance

  • Positive Attitude

  • Have the internal drive to succeed

  • Register for our upcoming Career Fair 

Register today to take part in our upcoming Career Fair Event!

Whether you are passively or actively looking for new employment, let us be your guide to connecting to your career opportunity.

Compass Career Fairs

Job Seeker Future Events Registration

Register below for information on our upcoming job networking events.
*If you have any problems with registration please contact us directly or 801-710-3700.
Don't forget to like our facebook page to keep up to date on future Job Networking Events.
Anchor 2 - Future Events

Job Seeker FAQ

Should I bring a resume?

Absolutely, and many copies. Also make sure to take note of the recruiters contact information and followup after the job fair with a "nice to meet you" email with your resume attached.  Great followup and communication makes you stand out from other candidates and could help your chances of getting your foot in the door.


What if I don't have a resume?

No worries, some companies will request a resume and others won't. If you don't have a resume ask for application information and apply following their application instructions.


Am I going to be able to visit and speak
with every employer?

With a huge variety of employers recruiting at the event the chance you will meet everyone is unlikely. We recommend researching each company beforehand and determine which hiring company you would like to speak with at the event. When you arrive we will provide a detailed map with each employers booth location, this will help you get the most success in speaking with the companies who you are most interested in.

What should I wear?

Business casual clothing is preferred.


What is Business Casual Attire?

Dress for success and before you attend look in the mirror and ask yourself "would I hire me?"

What are employers looking for?

If you want to advance in your career you must have excellent attendance, outstanding communication, a superior attitude, the drive to succeed and work ethic which shows you want to grow. Employers want you to grow and advance, but its up to you to prove it and show your worth each and every day.


What happens after the Career Fair is over?

Just because this job networking event is over it doesn't mean local hiring opportunities are done as well. Periodically Compass Career Fairs will send follow-up emails to those job seekers who have registered for the event. We would never sell or provide your information to anyone else, we only use your email to provide job networking opportunities.





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CALL: 801-710-3700 (ask for Shane)

MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 12471 Ogden, UT 84412

© 2014-2024 by Compass Career Fairs LLC. All rights reserved.

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